I have been asked when I first started researching my tree. I actually remember the exact day that it happened.

It was when I was 12 and I was spending another glorious weekend with my Grandma Frew. I loved hanging out with her and most of my fondest memories are with her just hanging out and looking at all the cool things she had in this little box in her bedroom. The Blue Room was my sanctuary and I knew I was always welcome in there.

On this particular day, Grandma brought out some papers. I could see they were yellowed and had that old smell to them. She showed them to me and explained that these were people in our family tree.

At that moment, I started a journey, no, a quest, to learn as much as I could about the names listed on these fragile pieces of paper. Who were they? Where did they go? How am I related? You know, the typical questions a 12 year old would ask.

Even 41 years later, I still have these original pages stored in my genealogy cabinet to be viewed by anyone who might feel the need to get a new addiction. While the names listed were not my immediate family, they were people who had fascinating stories and those stories are the ones I will be telling over the weeks to come.

I do appreciate everyone who visits and a long the way I hope I can teach you something new.

Have an amazing Saturday

The Yellowed Piece of Paper

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